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Περισσότερες Πληροφορίες

19 Δεκεμβρίου 2017
The Wild Duck - English surtitles
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Poreia Theatre is about to embark on a new, groundbreaking initiative. Beginning Thursday, December 21st, we will present the centerpiece of our current season:  Henrik Ibsen’s “The Wild Duck,” directed by Dimitris Tarlow.  For the first time this production will offer surtitles in English, enabling non-Greek speaking visitors and theatre lovers to follow the performance.

The Wild Duck” will attract a new audience into our ever widening circle of those who appreciate fine theatre. It offers a taste of our country’s cultural and theatrical richness.  Our ongoing vision is embodied in our choice of offerings and our unwaveringly high production, aesthetic and performance standards.

Every Thursday with English surtitles. (recommended seats: central & right terrace (on your screen), rows: Α, B, C, D)

Learn more about the play